Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Obesity - Today's Weight Epidemic
By Jeff FosterObesity today has grown in numbers and continues to grow at analarming rate, especially in the modern day western worlds. Essentially, obesity is a condition in which there is way toomuch fat being carried by your body... and today, obesity isreaching epidemic proportions. Beginning with the most obvious health concern, obesity puts anenormous amount of strain on the joints and architecturalstructure of the body itself. This continual strain over a longperiod of time will effectively break down the joints and canlead to arthritis and chronic pain. As the weight goes up and the body struggles to accommodate theextra pounds, people will generally become less and less activeonly contributing to the weight gain cycle. Beyond the everyday strain that it put on the joints by beingobese, the lack of activity, the general poor eating habitswill also cause strain to the heart and the blood vesselsresulting in high blood pressure, a higher risk of stroke, andother circulatory health issues. Obesity can also lead to sleepapnea which is the temporary stopping of breathing during sleep.Once the body reaches a state of obesity, the ability toreverse the trend is difficult. By this time, it's usually notjust a battle against the weight problem, but a battle forone's self esteem and confidence that they can win the battle.Obesity can be overcome, but it takes patience and a long termapproach. Not just a new 'latest' diet. If you found your way to an obese state, the first place tostart your journey back to a recognizable weight is with yourphysician. Take the time to to discuss your weight and yourplan to begin to reclaim your body. Be sensible and berealistic and work with your doctor as it pertains to both yourdiet (eating habits)and any type of newly found physicalactivity. Defining Obesity. Medically speaking obesity is defined as having a body massindex of 30 or higher. Body mass index is simply a measurementof the person's weight proportional to their height. The bodymass index works as a simple benchmark to indicate an amount offat stored on the body. Needless to say the higher the numberthe greater the risk to the various health problems brought onby being overweight.About the Author: For more important information on weight lossbe sure to visit http://www.weight-loss-won.com where you willfind product reviews and tips on weight loss, dieting, andmore. Source: http://www.isnare.com
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
3 Easy Weight Loss Tips
By Carl WalkerLosing weight is a challenge. After all, if maintaining yourideal weight was easy, you would already be doing it, wouldntyou? However, there are things that you can do to cut back thecalories without making yourself suffer. Here are three easyweight loss tips to make the pounds melt away. How Many Calories Are You Drinking? Many people think that they have to starve themselves to loseweight but they completely overlook how many calories theyare consuming in their drinks. Did you know that a single canof Coke holds 139 calories? By just drinking one can fewer aday, you can lose more than a pound every 10 days withouteating differently at all. Replace high-calorie drinks withsugar-free iced tea or flavored water. Eat Large Helpings of Low-Cal Foods First When you are hungry, its easy to overeat. So before you diginto a meal, look over whats available and start with thelowest-calorie offerings first. Drink a large glass of waterbefore starting, then have a nice, big helping of salad. Next,eat your healthy vegetables, and start on the higher caloriemeats, potatoes, and rice only at the end of your meal. Youllbe satisfied with a smaller portion of the food that will packon the pounds. Ask for a Doggy Bag before You Start Restaurants are traps for many dieters because of the largeportion sizes and the tendency to want to finish your plate. Before you start eating an oversized portion, ask for a doggybag and pack half of your meal away for later. Youll havesomething yummy to eat the next day, and you wont be temptedto go overboard. If you stay mindful of what you are eating and plan your mealswell, you might be surprised by how much weight you can losewithout feeling hungry or deprived. These three easy weightloss tips should get you started losing weight while stayinghealthy.About the Author: Check out 21 more ways to lose weight athttp://learnaboutweightloss.com/index.php/2007/06/06/21-sure-fire-ways-to-lose-weightSource: http://www.isnare.com
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