Monday, June 25, 2007

Weight Loss Diets: Fact And Fiction, Part 1

The weight loss industry is a booming industry worth billionsof dollars annually. It therefore should be no surprise that weare constantly being bombarded with new 'miracle' products andweight loss programs that will shed the pounds quickly andwithout much effort. Navigating the plethora of dietinginformation to distinguish between fact and fiction can bedifficult, but it is certainly not impossible. A good starting place to discover the truth is actually touncover the fiction. Once we know what isn't true, we canconcentrate on genuine information that supports weight loss. Here are four of the most common weight loss myths: Skipping Meals Will Help You Lose Weight The idea behind this is that if you eat less food, you willautomatically lose weight. While on the surface this soundslike it should work, it doesn't take into account the body'smetabolic response to what it sees as starvation. It slowsright down to give you the best chance of survival. This meansthat you burn fewer calories. The truth of the matter is,eating more often but smaller healthy meals raises themetabolic rate and aids weight loss. You Can Eat What You Want As Long As You Exercise You have to do an awful lot of exercise to burn off a chocolatebar. The value of exercise is not so much that it burns calories(although that certainly helps), it is that it raises themetabolic rate so that you burn more calories faster allthrough the day. If you need to lose weight, you cannot eatwhat you want. You do need to exercise discipline while youshed those extra pounds. Diet Pills Will Make You Slim Diet pills do not make you slim. Most diet pills are designedto suppress hunger and it is not eating as much that helps youlose weight. However, diet pills do not control the calories orfat content of the food you do eat, so you might eat less foodbut still the wrong food. Furthermore, pharmaceutical dietpills have unwanted side effects that can have long termaffects on your health. Some natural diet pills such as hoodiagordonii have the advantage of suppressing appetite withoutside effects, so if you must go down this path, they are thepreferred option. Nevertheless, simply eating less will notguarantee weight loss unless the food you are eating is healthyand calorie controlled so that you can lose weight and maintaingood health. Calorie Restriction Is The Best Way To Lose Weight The Calorie Restriction Diet is a controversial diet founded onthe belief that severe calorie restriction slows the agingprocess. Many people believe that substantial calorie reductionwill reduce metabolic stress and in so doing, increase lifespan. Calorie counting on its own is not good dietary practice.While it is true that counting calories can be very helpful inmanaging energy intake, the quality of those calories is veryimportant. The nutritional impact of the food eaten is veryimportant and will affect all aspects of health, includingweight stabilization.About The Author: Learn about Weight loss dietplans at

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Latest Treadmill Programs To Help You Accomplish

With the growing number of treadmill machines in the market, asimilar trend of growth is seen in the treadmill workoutprograms. The variety of treadmill programs available today areas diverse as the machines themselves. So whatever be yourfitness goals, this newly arrived plethora of treadmillprograms is here to help you accomplish it. Whatever be your preference, walking or running, there arenumerous treadmill programs that will surely benefit you. Evena treadmill with the most basic design will include a set ofspecific programs that will give you a healthy workout that youwould enjoy forever. But there are certain things that you need to keep in mind,before putting your hands on a particular machine. 1. The foremost thing is, the machine you are planning to buyshould be pre-installed with at least the basic programs. Itwill help you start with your basic regime at least. 2. You want to buy only a good treadmill as a good machine willgive you all the fitness advantages in the form of good health.And a good health in turn will give you an impeccable personalmotivation. 3. But just acquiring a good treadmill machine, which is loadedwith the set of best programs, is not enough. You should havethat adequate knowledge to make the best use of the equipmentas well. 4. For this, you need to have the grass-root knowledge of thetreadmill programs. A good treadmill workout program is divided into variouscategories. This division has been done to help the user feelcomfortable while making his choice of exercises. The programsdiscussed below are one of the most commonly used fitnessprograms today. Basic and random treadmill workouts In any treadmill machine you will find a set of basic programs.These basic sets of program are predominantly manual. Thismeans, as a user you will have a complete control of yourmachine. That is, you can choose your level and speed, alsowith the desired inclination. These have come with the name ofrandom treadmill workouts, as it gives its user an edge to havean assorted feature of hills and valleys. Advanced treadmill programs The other category of treadmills is the one that are equippedwith the advanced program levels. This advancement is measuredin terms of both, speed and level of inclination. Suchtreadmills also feature an intermittent series of various hillsand valleys. As you continue exercising, there is an increase inthe difficulty levels of your workouts, till your performancereaches a peak. Increasingly, the manufacturers are coming upwith new varieties of treadmill machines that provide its usersspecific regimens for speed and sport training, together.About The Author: To get more information visit,